Towards creating a healthier society by popularizing preventive measures; the Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust organizes health awareness programs on various issues of health and hygiene. For this purpose, we make use of visual media that communities are familiar with, like street plays, puppet shows, etc.
Another strategy employed is involving children and youth in awareness programs like rallies, debates etc. Children are the best messengers to carry the message to their parents, family, and other community members. Health weeks and health camps are also generally organized in slums for different age groups.
Information about the conduct of health awareness sessions and camps is widely canvassed by Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust well in advance. These sessions and camps are organized in coordination with the community keeping their time and other constraints in mind. Through these activities, the Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust ensure that such programs reach the maximum number of people.
Even after decades of freedom, India is struggling to provide basic health services to its people. According to government sources, in India, 45 children die every hour due to respiratory infections. 1 child dies every 2 minutes due to diarrhoea. And annually, about 2 million children under 5 years of age die due to preventable diseases.
The situation calls for timely care and diagnosis which can reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality, especially among children and women.
General Health Camps are one such special initiative of the Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust to provide healthcare services to meet the immediate health care needs of the marginalized community in remote rural areas and urban slums through standalone camps. Customized health camps are organized extensively across the country offering comprehensive health services – curative, preventive, promotive and referral, to a large number of people in selected intervention areas.
The uniqueness of the model lies in its comprehensive approach where health promotion and prevention are given equal importance while curative care is administered.
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